Northern Manitoba Primary Care Services – Patient Survey
/0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News /by nhcn_adminIntroduction:
Thank you for taking part in the Community Primary Care Services Feedback Survey. We want to learn about your experiences and thoughts on primary care care services in Northern Manitoba communities.
Northern Manitoba Primary Care Services – Patient Survey
This survey aims to understand how accessible, inclusive and safe the primary care services are in the Northern communities. Your input is important in making sure that healthcare in the region meets the needs of everyone in the community.
The Northern Collaborative Working Team (NCWT) sets the priorities and guides the planning for the North within the Clinical and Preventive Services Plan for Manitoba. The NCWT consists of the following partner organizations:
•Indigenous Services Canada
•Keewatin Tribal Council
•Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak
•Northern Regional Health Authority
•Norway House Cree Nation
•Ongomiizwin – University of Manitoba
•Opaskwayak Health Authority•Shared Health
This survey is being collected on behalf of the NCWT by the Project Support Team which helps NCWT in driving the planning activities based on their advice. Your insights will help us understand the current state of services and decide what to focus on for future planning.
Invitation to participate in the project “Health determinants of the Norway House Cree Nation.”
/0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, News /by nhcn_adminP.O. Box 250. Norway House,
Manitoba R0B 1B0. Phone: 204-359-6721
Department of Economics 501 Fletcher Argue
Winnipeg MB, Canada R3T 2N2
Invitation to participate in the project “Health determinants of the Norway House Cree Nation.”
We are inviting one 18 years or older member of your household (HH) to be surveyed by project Community Coordinator, James Queskekapow, or by the Principal Investigator, Dr. Rosa Evelia Sanchez
G. This research is entitled “Health determinants of the Norway House Cree Nation” and is being conducted by Dr. Rosa Evelia Sanchez, an Instructor II of the Economics Department of University of Manitoba, in cooperation with Councillor, Deon Clarke, NHCN health portfolio holder and Ms. Florence Duncan, Director of Health. The project considers you and your household’s experiences with local land use, your household member’s health, diet, physical activity, and a general assessment of your wellbeing.
There will be 3 meetings related to this project to which you are invited to attend:
1)On April 12, 2024, at 11 am, we will open with a prayer to launch the project at the NHCN Multiplex, and this event will conclude with a community feast. This day will be an opportunity to present the research project, “Health determinants in the Norway House Cree Nation”. Dr Sanchez, the principal investigator, and project director will provide detailed information on the project and explain what constitutes informed consent, providing consent, and the survey procedure for individuals that agree to participate in the research project. Dr. Sanchez will also explain the benefits of the research to NHCN at that time.
2)The completion of the survey, including obtaining consent will be held April 12, 2024, from 12:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the NHCN Multiplex. From April 13 to April 15th, 2024, you may come anytime between 9:30 am and 6:30 pm to the NHCN Multiplex to fill out a consent form and complete a survey. While at the Multiplex, you will have an isolated seat and desk to complete the survey in privacy. Also, if you prefer, you can complete the consent form and survey within the privacy of your home. If this is your preference, please contact James or Dr. Sanchez. Either of them can administer the consent form and survey. At any time, while completing the survey you will have an opportunity to decide if you want to withdraw your consent from the research project. The survey does not have questions that will directly identify your household. Your name, address or any other potential identifier will not be disclosed nor mentioned in the research reports. The survey process is not expected to exceed 1.5 hour in length. After filling out sign the consent form you will receive $30.00.
3)The research result dissemination. The project is estimated to have a preliminary report available for your feedback in June 2024 (date and time to be announced). An open prayer and a community feast will be held then. Dr. Sanchez will present the general results and conclusions from the research project. You will be requested to present your feedback on the project results. Your input on that day will be incorporated in the final report which will be completed by August 2024.
While the main purpose of the survey is to collect data to determine whether is there a connection between diet and wellbeing, this research will also inform the local community Mamawi-Asamitwin Food Sovereignty gardening project. This food production initiative has been initiated with NHCN and the community coordinator for this research. It has been undertaken to institute a community garden, medicine gathering, and traditional food sourcing, such as fishing and hunting with local Elders, Youth and Knowledge Holders.
This work is necessary. It will investigate the connection between variables related to economic and sociocultural land use and diet with health and wellbeing among NHCN community members. The research will provide invaluable and pertinent data. The information this project is anticipated to
generate will increase the community’s resilience to the impacts of climate change while contributing to improving the economic and health of the NHCN community.
If you want to learn more about this project, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Sanchez by emailing to
Thanks for your kind consideration and looking forward to meeting you.
Measles Interview on NCI-FM and Dr. Isaac
/0 Comments/in News, Norway House Cree Nation /by nhcn_adminNHCN is one of the largest Indigenous communities in Manitoba with a growing population of 7,500 community members and an additional 500 community council members.
Norway House Cree Nation
Address: P.O. Box 250
Norway House, Manitoba R0B 1B0
Phone: 204-359-6721
Fax: 204-359-6080
Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
NHCN Recent News
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Northern Manitoba Primary Care Services – Patient SurveyMay 14, 2024 - 2:13 pm
- Invitation to participate in the project “Health determinants of the Norway House Cree Nation.”April 11, 2024 - 2:01 pm